Reactive Glimpse-Part 1
A peek into Observables. Reactive Approach/Principles has unfurled new dimensions of programming to us. Reactive Manifesto being the key, paved the way to approach things with a different eye and with its multilingual dominion we have Rx's omnipresence. For me it all started with RxJava and RxGroovy and now with ProjectReactor providing Specification to build Reactive Systems, Spring too incorporating Reactive principles in its 5th edition and together with Java 9 flow, it is evident that Reactive is gaining both strength and momentum. Even different tools/api now extend their reactive support, be it JDBC, RabbitMQ, Kafka etc. My interaction with the Reactive Dimension has been limited to Observables, Observers/Subscribers accompanied by several other operators. Thats fairly little I can understand and the justification being I am JUST A BEGINNER HERE. From what I understood till now is Observables are the Data Sources and it is through Observers/Subscribers we ...