In this POST we try to focus on one of the primary priciples of REST i.e. HATEOAS - (H)ypermedia (A)s (T)he (E)ngine (O)f (A)pplication (S)tate and the way to implement HATEOAS with HAL - (H)ypertext (A)pplication (L)anguage This principle states that, the user's next course of action depends on the Hypermedia Links or the Hypertext included in the response which is dynamic and provides an uniform interface with REST architecture i.e. all the action that the user can perform is being contrained by the hyperlinks provided in the response i.e the user need not have any previous knowledge of the application. And HAL is basically a convention or a protocol for expressing Hyperlinks in either XML or JSON format. In this post we will concentrate only in JSON format. HAL with all its conventions is very interesting and systematic and the details can be explored HERE In this post I am going to describe my involvement with HATEOAS using spring and also implementing HAL...