Spring Data JPA & Spring 3 Transactions Through JTA and Atomikos
In this article I will discuss about Spring Transactions with JTA. The underlying JTA implementation with Atomikos. The server platform is jBoss7. The XA-DataSource configured in jBoss AS7 is of the type Oracle 10g. The Underlyimg Persistence Provider in Hibernate 4. I have used the Hibernate Module already available with jBoass AS7, but during Startup of my application I faced some issues for which i have to Externally plug in the jar "hibernate-core-3.6.0.Final.jar", Tried to find out the reason behind but remain undone. Now before going into the discussion, I will first try note down the jars that I have used, as this portion has Given me Immense pain due to lack of proper Documentation. jar List --------------------------------- 1) hibernate-core-3.6.0.Final.jar 2) transactions-jta-3.6.4.jar 3) atomikos-util-3.6.4.jar 4) transactions-3.6.4.jar 5) transactions-api-3.6.4.jar 6) transactions-hibernate3-3.6.4.jar 7) transactions-jdbc-3.6.4...